
Showing posts from June, 2023

Understanding Autism: Difficulty In Social Situations

While it’s important to stress that no two people with autism experience the condition in the same way, some symptoms are more common than others. For example, many children with autism and related disorders find difficulty in social situations. What are ‘social situations’? The social situation is a term that can describe a broad range of events that we encounter in our daily lives. For children, social situations can include everything from going to school to spending time with their siblings. In short, it refers to any situation where we are surrounded by others. Why do children with autism and related disorders tend to struggle in social situations? Children with autism and related disorders may struggle in social situations because they tend to experience the world differently than their neurotypical peers. As such, they may not know how to accurately respond to specific social cues that other children seem to understand from an early age. Because of this, it is

What Are The Goals Of Occupational Therapy?

The goals of occupational therapy (OT) revolve around improving the quality of life of individuals by enhancing their abilities in various activities of daily living. The purpose of this type of therapy is to develop, recover, and maintain functional skills. This article outlines the goals of occupational therapy and how they help clients. Promoting Independence One of the primary goals of OT is to promote independence which refers to an individual’s ability to perform daily activities without relying on anyone else for assistance. By promoting independence, this therapy allows individuals to take meaningful actions that support their lives. Even the simplest tasks like buttoning a shirt, brushing teeth, and combing hair can become daunting if an individual lacks the necessary skills. Occupational therapists use various techniques like skills training, adaptive equipment, and environmental modifications to help their clients regain control over their lives.   Increasin