5 Tips for Homeschooling Autistic Children

Homeschooling Autistic Children

In recent months, many parents have begun homeschooling their children as a result of school closures across the globe. This is a difficult task for any parent. However, homeschooling children with autism create even greater challenges. When homeschooling an autistic child, it is necessary to provide a healthy balance of support and education.

At Alee, we help families and children by offering a range of therapies and support at our autism clinic to ensure each child reaches their full potential. With this in mind, we’ve put together 5 tips for homeschooling autistic children!

When homeschooling autistic children:

1) Follow a routine.

Your child is used to following a specific schedule. Usually, this means getting up early, having breakfast and heading off to school! Try your best to follow this routine. When homeschooling autistic children, start your ‘classes’ at the same time every day. Also, take breaks and do your best to mirror the classroom experience at home.

2) Take breaks.

We all know it can be much more distracting when you are working from home! But this does not mean that you shouldn’t take plenty of breaks! Remember, if your child was at school, they’d get to enjoy recess with their friends. Homeschooling autistic children shouldn’t be any different – taking a break can help them feel refreshed and rejuvenated!

You should also make time for some exercise. This is a great way to relieve stress and ensure you all stay healthy.

3) Reach out for support.

Homeschooling autistic children aren’t easy, but there are plenty of resources available to support you and your family. Due to social distancing rules, your child may be unable to attend their regular autism therapy & support sessions. However, at Alee, we have been offering high-quality online therapy sessions for a number of years and are fully equipped to support you during this difficult time. We offer a range of online therapies, including, Applied Behaviour Analysis (ABA), Speech Therapy & Occupational Therapy.

4) Stay in touch.

Many teachers will be missing your children just as much as they miss them! When homeschooling autistic children be sure to keep in regular contact with your child’s teacher. They will be able to answer any questions you might have and can help you better understand the work they may be setting.

5) Have fun!

The more fun your child has when learning, the better! Right now, there is absolutely no pressure in regards to how much your child should be learning – this is not a competition. Instead, focus on allowing them to explore their interests and what they are passionate about! Make your lessons as creative as possible.

Success Homeschooling Autistic Children

In short, it’s important to remember that right now the most important thing you can do is to simply be there for your child. Answer any questions they might have, calm their nerves and help them continue to learn in a low pressure environment. Remember, there are plenty of resources available to support you during this time – you are not alone and we’ll get through this together!


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